Wish I'd paid more attention in skool.
Tesla knew.
It's going to be important to understand all of this.
Wish I'd paid more attention in skool.
Tesla knew.
It's going to be important to understand all of this.
Sacred geometry.
If you want to understand how WE are the gatekeepers, understand all the information and how it all comes together, sacred geometry holds those answers.
Reminder about sacred geometry.
[for those that missed it, the ball is inscribed with "In memory of Seth Rich]
Reincarnate anyone?
ThanQ for that again, Anon!
Saved it the first time you gave it!
Wish we could reach the others.
They're missing so much!
Back to sacred geometry again!
'marriage of the hexagon and pentagon'
(((They))) know alchemy- ancient knowledge hidden from us.
Alchemy holds the answers.
This is exactly WHY (You) need to cut the cable cord!
They call it PROGRAMMING for a reason!
This evil (You) let in to your homes!
(You) invite these people into your lives DAILY!
As a physicist, do you completely grasp alchemy?
I've got the basics but am stuck on true comprehension- know it's sooo important.
When the information is bogus and FAKE, it's nothing more than entertainment.
Yet No One understands and they tune in every day and complain.
If (You) know it's fake, why do you engage it?
Makes no sense.
Cut the cord a decade ago and it was the best thing I've ever done for my family.
I understand the keys.
The doors won't unlock for me! kek
Alchemy is at the center of what (((they))) do.
Have to understand your enemy to defeat them.
And how do you feel?
Get your life back?
Brain clearer?
Family is more important than ever?
All those that hold their remotes are missing all of that.
So oil is indeed the decomposed remnants of biological bodies.
By drilling/using oil, we are burning our ancestors.
With their many FEMA vaults, (((they))) were (planned) making it easier to locate the oil. Do I have this right?
The TRUTH is real.
TV is only entertainment.
I'd rather live by and with the truth than vicariously thru other's adventures.
First step- turn off your tv.
Live your own life.
You might find it's more entertaining (and profitable) than following the stars.
Matter of perception, perhaps.
I believe this is based on information- truth.
BIG difference than what the TV is putting out there for your consumption.