Going to develop this further this week and probably meme it but wanted to get this early version on 8 today. What Trump is doing by his aggressive actions and EOs is ripping the fingers off our necks one at a time. These are the fingers of the hands which the left has used to strangle us with very hard in the past four years and since Obama took over in 2008/2009. Ben Garrison needs to cartoon this. Meme it yourself or develop it further if you have time:
The fingers of the hands they strangled us with:
1.) Political prosecutions and lawfare
2.) De-banking political dissenters (patriots)
3.) Media smearing of political dissenters (patriots)
4.) Censorship
5.) Social Media Deplatforming
6.) Deliberate escalation of energy prices
7.) Flood country with invaders
8.) Flood communities with criminals/crime
9.) Break the back of middle class families
10.) Create dependency on government by creating hardships
11.) Exchange traditional good with perverse evil
12.) Refusal to hold actual criminals accountable
13.) Steal and launder billions of dollars from Americans
14.) Spy on and surveil all actions of all Americans
15.) Destroy all domestic manufacturing with the climate change hoax