He's losing it. Potentially an act, but it's been a gradual decline over time.
Poor l'il guy is melting.
Poor l'il guy is trying to hard. Not nearly as demented a persona as VaticanClown but this character is close. Little delusion spinner.
A soyboy and a shriveled husk. Staged photo-op.
I'll bet he wishes he still hand his hands on the banhammer. Too bad those clowns blew their ammo early in 2021.
Quiet, little fraud. Little impostor. You'll never be SP. Now run through your delusional little caricature persona you use to cope, clown.
Can't really tell if he's trying to be a nuisance or is actually starting to crack. He's failing on the former and putting on a good act for the latter.
Try hard caricature personas help him feel like he's not in second place appearently.