Why are we trashing digs from another platform? Any Red Pilled Public Patriot should be able to post [Sauced] info on a platform they have a presence on. Or would you rather have the 'hordes' beating a path to 8 Chan and filling up the Breads?
NO? Then get your finger out Anons and start looking closely at all other platforms and grab vetted info for inclusion in the 8 Chan Breads.
No one gives a flying fuck where the info comes from [as long as it passes Anon's recheck], so let's get past the finger pointing and grab digs from other Red Pilled Patriots on other platforms.
NOTE: make sure to give credit when it's due - these are Public Patriots not Anons, and it will thrill them to be Noticed and Thanked for their Dig by Anons on 8 Chan. Good way to incorporate Public Patriots in the final push to Red Pill the World.
Your thoughts Anons?