You post this a lot
I have watched it….creeps me the fuck out
So whats happening in July? I see a lot of symbolism in here…but what are you trying to say
Is this what I th8ink it is??
This fucker got off twitter with the quickness
This actually makes a shit ton of sense
I actually watched that you tube video last year
Wasnt sure what to make of it and not sure what to make of the pet goat video…..but Im paying attention
Def yes….never seen this pic but thats the profile
Bongino was getting teary eyed talking about this agent on his show the other day
Said "his death details were horrific" and wouldn't go into it…also said Potus did something for his family that you wouldn't believe, but he couldnt say what it was
If he had a stroke….it was either ischemic or hemorrhagic. Either way, he would have limited symptoms and then probably become unconscious
Super shocked at Gutfeld
But I feel like he has changed his tune quite a bit since the election
No clue…Dan said he knew the guy well. Stand up patriot who loved his country and job
Ahh….still creepy tho
Wait? We are taking 400 of these people??
I saw all the chatter about the heart attack gun…but honestly, took no mind bcs it seemed out there
Guess not so much anymore
Seems far-fetched, but everything does now
Lots of times people fib about cause of death due to bad circumstances or just privacy
Oh I like this one
Yes I do…I was here when it happened