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Feigned Exasperation by Vaccine Spokespeople
Dr. Paul Offit
Perhaps not surprising, but still a bit breathtaking, are the backgrounds of the two most public spokespeople for the “science is settled” side of the vaccine-autism debate. The aforementioned Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (“CHOP”) and Dr. Peter Hotez of Baylor University share something else besides their exuberance that vaccines are innocent: They’re both patent holders for vaccines and owe their careers to the vaccine industry. In Dr. Offit’s case, his rotavirus vaccine patent has already been parlayed into a small fortune.
When it comes to any discussion of vaccine-autism science, Drs. Offit and Hotez both take the tone in public interviews that it’s silly to even ask the question, because the science has been done so many times, you must be sort of stupid if you still feel the need to talk about it. As one example, in early 2017 actor Robert De Niro publicly raised the question about vaccines triggering his own son’s autism, and Dr. Offit was there to quickly admonish him, stating on NBC News, “It’s been answered again and again and again.”
Dr. Peter Hotez
Soon after, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. held a press conference alongside Robert De Niro, and Dr. Hotez was immediately quoted on the pharma-friendly new site Vox, saying, “I’m a bit baffled as to why Bobby Kennedy focuses on vaccines and autism, which has been debunked, instead of focusing on the known risks and demanding more research and studies.” Again and again and again. Baffled. Debunked. Exasperated. This is the strategy for how the vaccine industry is now approaching the vaccine-autism link, by feigning extreme exasperation, despite the fact that very little relevant science has ever taken an honest look into the possible role of vaccines in the explosion of autism.
Anon watched the Vaxxed movie and it was very clear and worth a watch if you can find it.
Recently Dr. Andrew Wakefield directed the documentary Vaxxed to educate the public about autism in general, and more specifically to address the coverup of the 2004 research connecting the MMR vaccine to autism. Gastroenterologist Wakefield has become a champion for the autism community, which stands behind Wakefield’s dedication and work to help the growing numbers of children suffering from autism. Dr. Wakefield’s work has focused on alleviating the gastrointestinal distress often accompanying patients of autism. [1]
The movie Vaxxed is controversial because the coverup of the MMR vaccine connection to autism has far-reaching implications for the very deep corruption in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the thousands of children who have suffered from a devastating disease that could have been avoided. Discrediting this information and keeping it from the public’s attention is paramount for the pharmaceutical companies that profit from vaccines. [2,3]