Romans in the Bible, didn't happen did it.
Megacorp lawyers for four years.
looks like they need secret service protection
The main invasion is Roman Catholics as this is a Roman Catholic War on Non Roman Catholics in North America.
Roman Empire did not decline or collapse did it, it is the Holy Roman Empire that just attempted to mass murder everyone not a Roman Catholic with bioweapons.
Jesuits do the bakes and keep the truth from being seen
Did not collapse went silent running and you are pushing disinformation.
The history is written by Jesuits and is all a fiction for a purpose.
Jesuit porn mags.
I know you are trying to take the attention away from your evil masters the Popes of Rome.
Ruled in the Shadows - 13 Zoro Astrian Bloodline families (1)
The White Pope mass murdered 30,000 Baptists in Argentina to be put in as Pope.
The Head of the WHO had several Plandemics in Ethiopia to win the position of head of the World Health Organization out of five runners up.
All those running the mass murder for 60 with Vaccines are Roman Catholics, in the USA they decided to try and hide it with Jews in high places but the rest of the world it is obviously the Roman Catholics behind it all.