"Children are being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and sacrificed in the name of PURE EVIL."
While I think this stuff literally happens, like Aztec/Babylonian style, I think this is likely a much smaller thing than we think, albeit much larger than most could handle. I think what's being purported here is more of the modern version under the guise of "healthcare" or "international aid", etc.
A massively larger number of kids are being made ill, mentally and physically, by a number of vectors. The most vunerable get pushed into a system that leverages them, experiments on them, and just generally exposes them to all kids of evil. Many probably do get raped and organ harvested, but in the most general sense of the words, they are most definitely being kidnapped, tortured, and sacrifices to the gods of medicine and weaponized empathy all for the various special interests, from pharma to NGOs to cancer centers.
I'm not trying to distract from the real cases of the literal sense of the quote, but I think the point is that our more modern system, while more "sophisticated" in our eyes, has simply devolved into an abstracted form of Babylonian totem worship which people are having trouble recognizing. Modern allopathic "healthcare" is itself pathological, perhaps even satanic.