is it possible to set up 'filters'
a) so when a uid post count goes over xx then just gets filtered?
b) anyway to filter image posts? (anon get bored looking at same sh!t day after day)
is it possible to set up 'filters'
a) so when a uid post count goes over xx then just gets filtered?
b) anyway to filter image posts? (anon get bored looking at same sh!t day after day)
Yea, but… that does ALL images…anon is looking for an image 'filter'. I wanna see new pics, boob pics, just not the spam pics…hence some sorta 'filter' rather than an on/off switch.
not sure if a filename work work? or perhaps needz some A! to 'look' at images…
be nice to just select an images & add it to a don't show me again, list