Who has been pushed on us through social media out of nowhere.
Jordan Peterson
Andrew Tate (fucked Peterson’s daughter)
Charlie Kirk - controlled opposition and connected to the very people centering my accounts online
Tucker Carlson - CIA, son was at j6 and also now is known as Kaleb FE the flat earth cunt. Hi Buckley. clown faggots. Tucker was apart of the Dan White Society in college. Dan was a serial killer.
How about on X?
Well since Elon took over, we have a massive amount of foreign journalists running the news for the U.S. Mario Nawfal? I don’t pay him any attention but he was forced on us.
Even Grant Cardone has Goldman Sachs people that line up his guest on his X spaces, and surprise surprise, Nelson Epega running these spaces, is an immigrant. They would never have anyone in to talk about Moderna…because Goldman Sachs has a huge stock position in Moderna.