this is QResearch
if you would like to attack everyone who calls out the criminal acts of the israeli gov't
this is QResearch
if you would like to attack everyone who calls out the criminal acts of the israeli gov't
you're not a dissenting voice
you mindlessly attack anyone posting truth
you reflexively defend the most heinous and indefensible group on the planet
anons cope with your shit every bread
proof that you are NOT an individual, but a TEAM
you should feel bad for yourselves
ya might wanna spend your last days doing something more enjoyable than posting to QR
you and the whole JIDF are going down for the count
Maybe (((YOU))) could fuck off and create your own board so you can vomit your bile out of the way of intelligent people.
>entire racial group
JEWS are NOT a race, ASSHOLE
no matter how much you wish it were so
JUDAISM is a religion
anyone who CHOSES to follow that religion is a JEW
regardless of race or color or ancestry
so fuck off outta here with your BULLSHIT
semites encompass more nationalities and religions than just jews
most modern jews have ZERO semitic DNA
they're called "boobs" for a reason, anon
man made laws and EOs do NOT alter reality
anyone who thinks they can is FUBAR
just like pronouns can't alter your chromosomes
>Wait until they start deporting Israelis. Once JFK and 9-11 get exposed, it's going to get ugly.
once jfk and 9/11 get exposed, jews will be self-deporting faster than you can say anne frank's diary
that's something we'll never see
a black actress playing anne frank in a moobie
black superman
black santa
black robin hood
no problem
black anne frank?
>Special tactics will be necessary.
just announce that all bullets have been coated with pigs' blood
>Why not volunteer to be a BV?
i said they were unfit
i never said i was fit
larn to red, jethro
he shoulda gotten an oscar for that performance