But your a fukkin retard junior!
We already hav yer qualifications
The fuckwitt farm forwarded it over because they knew you would arrive here...
Is that why iv been dancing rings round ye fur 2 breads now, junior??
Your witty responses to none ov your 15 handmade memes really put me on ma bak foot!!
Real high IQ stuff that…
Because yer a cunt perhaps????
Ah dont need constant gratification im happy jus being anon, whereas you need no be noticed thats why yer namefaggin an havin yer little tantrums an calling everone pedophiles…you need the attention lik the sad little boy ye are…
Its boring junior go get that handjob off mommy an settle doon a bit, eh??
Wrong again hunny bun xxx
Am scottish an type how a talk so theres a fun fact fur ye…
This cunt jus wont learn!! Holy fuck this is super boosted retarded!!
Enuf now, junior we aw kno its you spamming the board in yer little high IQ tantrum…
How do we kno?? Thats your [[you]] to yersell after you done the fake Q posts..
Thats fukkin retarded plus…
Because hunny bun yer postin fake Q an then talking to yourself any anon thats been here a week would see it…
Your no Q whisperer xxx
Because it was full ov fake Q posts an shite wi ye talking to yersell, why dont ye fuk off there again an giv us aw piece???
When did i say any of that??
Stop being a fuckwitt huh, everybody can see ye fur the cunt ye are an its no a guud look. Hunny xx
Giv me half a clu whut yer taking about an ill entertain ye, keep on wi the random shite an ill fuk ye off….