It happened in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on July 16th
The video of the two twin girls allowed the authorities to quickly identify them and their mother, who abused them, was arrested. She was separated from her husband and had kept custody of the girls. The next day, July 17th, the courts handed custody over to the father's family and he is now taking care of them.
Key takeaways.
1) No emotions. You either ignore this stuff or to use COLD reason
2) Somebody used LOGIC to identify where this happened and was able to
3) Identify the RIGHT authorities. Hysterical reports to your local police or FBI are absolutely useless. You only do that because you DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE KIDS you just care about yourself and your emotions.
4) Wake up. Emotional knee-jerk reactions do not change the world. Choose your battles. And when you do get involved, use all your mental resources and LOGIC to reason out the situation
5) Teamwork can help. I don't know whether there was more than one person involved in identifying where this woman was located, but definitely, after the report went out in Jeddah, the local police, the child services people, the courts and the father's family all worked as a team. Nobody changes the world by moaning and crying. Work together as a team.
6) If you need to cry, go ahead. But after you have done as much as you can do. Use your crying to pray, and gather strength because this is how warriors are formed, through battle. And the biggest and hardest battles are always in your own mind.