This is why we need, nation wide, "Loser Pays". Frivolous lawsuits like this tie up the courts with JAMF nonsense. Who's responsibility is it for this fat ass humanoid fitting into someone's vehicle, airline seat or anything else? She's FAT cause she's undisciplined, lazy and dumb as a fucking box of rocks. Where's my Skunk meme?
This is all the left knows how to do. Grift. They force their illiterate agenda down everyone's throat and We, the People, fund it all. Nice gig if you can get it. Shut it down, quit funding this leftist, tax payer funded propaganda filth and let them fend for themselves. Elon? DO IT!!!
Love it!!! What a fucking Margaret!!!
Not just one star Pete. Demote this treasonous piece of shit all the way down to buck Private. Revoke his retirement and benefits. Indict him, try him, convict him and sentence his fat, faggot ass to 25 years in Federal prison with zero possibility of parole.
We can not allow these people to just walk away. If we are going to reestablish the rule of law and people having faith in the rule of law, then people like Milley, Comey, Garland, Brag, lard ass Fani, Smith, Merchan and the rest, must be held to account. Actions must once again, have consequences.
Well, you can go fuck yourself. Kek
KMFAO!!! He's gonna find out when he finds himself handcuffed and on a C-17 back to his shithole country.
Awww……………………….Ed, who probably identiies as he/she/them/they doesn't feel safe!!!! What a shame. I'm just all broken up about he, she, they, them not feeling safe. It's a cruel world out there Ed. Had better pull your pants up over your ass crack and buck up you pussy.
Well, how about a criminal investigation and search for offshore bank accounts held by people in congress who have received kickbacks from the recipients of taxpayer money for outrageous shit like 50 million dollars for rubbers for the goat fuckers in Gaza? Everybody gets their slice. Maybe some rubbers make it to Gaza but when they do? They get filled with Helium and used for floating IEDs over into Israel to kill innocent people. How else does AOC amass a 20 million dollar net worth in just a few years in congress?