Why can't we get $9,000 utility truck like this in the US? I will buy it from Ford or whatever IDGAF. I just want the government OUT of my vehicle ownership! No more loisences, no more inspections, no more gov mandated wind resistance, crash survivability, etc etc. I want none of it any more. President Trump… GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF OUR CARS! Make all the rules voluntary. Im sick of it. Mexico is WAY BETTER!!!
All we had to do to get Trump to finally take action was for the libs to shoot him in the ear?!!! Imagine if they got him in the kneecap… The FED would be gone already. Wouldn't that be grand. Picture not related.
Anyone going to Notable that post… Its a good one!!
I agree completely. That should should always be optional in all cases. Not its MANDATORY to have a camera pointing at your face. The car wont even start if the camera thinks you are drunk or TIRED!!! Not a car I will buy
It needs to have a blockchain ownership system but that is ALL. None of this shit where it wont start or run. Not without the owner setting it up on their own
If israel wanted to do something like… Bomb your house with US made military hardware because you are an antisemetic terroirist… they wont want the red tape of turnign that shit off so no, you cant have an anti jew defense system.