Conveniently coincides with the annual winter diarrhea season caused by rotovirus.
Education board votes to advance rule to ask immigration status of students, parents
State schools Superintendent Ryan Walters said Tuesday a proposed administrative rule approved by the Oklahoma State Board of Education would allow the Oklahoma State Department of Education not just to ask for the immigration status of students, but of their parents, as well.
A key section of the controversial rule proposal reads: “In order to assess statewide and local educational needs, including without limitation, student needs, language and cultural barriers, current and future needs for English as a Second Language teachers, tutors and tutoring programs, current and future transportation needs, programs, and anticipated future funding needs, a parent or a legal guardian of a child, or an emancipated minor, shall provide proof of United States citizenship at the time of enrollment.”
The proposal says districts “shall submit only information of the total number of students that lack of documentation, excluding any personally identifiable information to the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit, or inhibit, any child from receiving the education they are entitled to receive under the United States Constitution, the Oklahoma Constitution, or state or federal law. No data outlined in this Section shall be used to record an individual student’s citizenship status or legal immigration status.”