Americans are not free enough to get a truck like they get in the literal prison colony of Australia… WE ARE DENIED THIS by our government because of bullshit safety and fuel consumption and air resistance and crash ratings. Why are we treated like children? When do we get to be adults and make our own decisions? We all need for a push for COMPLETE vehicle deregulation no more plates or drivers loisences or registration anything like that. End that shit. Lets get some badass vehicles made here in the US and sell them all over the world! Why the hell does Japan and Australia kick our asses handily all the time? Literally guys on youtube in their garage make more appealing vehicles than major auto manufacturers in the US are allowed to make. Start talking about it! Lets get our cars and roads back. fuck this shit.
I FINALLY have enough money to buy a new truck for the first time in my life… or so I think. Now they are 110k and wont start if im tired or it thinks I had a beer with dinner. Fuck the US automobile system. I won't participate. Fix it or Im fucking off to a better country. I will not suffer this shit.
I am TERRIFIED by that. This is TERRORizing. I sure hope we are not dealing with a dealer and purveyer of TERROR here. Would be a shame if she was charged with terrorizing a whole segment of the population. that would be terrorism.
I already have that. 1997 F350 with 450k miles on it in the US. Why the fuck do we have to live like this? If I was in just about any other real serious nation on earth I would have very little of this shit. I LOVE living overseas because there is so little of this.
>>22460083 If someone wants to drive around in a cell phone with wheels I dont care but it should not be mandatory. I want to be able to build my own vehicles, import some shit from somewhere else or buy from someone local or national with NO FUCKING RULES. Im so sick of the stupid additions to cars now.
insane prices!