well said
fucking unreal
the scum of the earth
excellent resource
spitballs hitting target spot on
>39th anniversary of Challenger
>39th anniversary of Challenger
>39th anniversary of Challenger
>This FF is not believable. Massive coordination of media video coverage is on display. Message sent, message received. Response will be coming.
all larps activated
how and why would she be privy to this info within this timeframe?
and who the fuvk is she anyway?
not even close
it was a Blackhawk
fuck that foreign cunt
the Gnome of Pain won't go down so ignominiously
Satan is the Original Gangster copycat shill
nevermind all the onboard aviatronics
2 USMIL AC down in one day
F35A jet
H60 Blackhawk helo
Fucked Ultra