>believed to be a police helicopter
Others reporting US mil Blackhawk.
Whatever it was it does not appear to have anti collision nor running lights on
>believed to be a police helicopter
Others reporting US mil Blackhawk.
Whatever it was it does not appear to have anti collision nor running lights on
>Whatever it was it does not appear to have anti collision nor running lights on
I take that back
Clearly seen left to right
right into the passenger plane
Supposedly both a/c were cleared for approach into Reagan
Regional cleared for rwy o1
Army BH rwy 33
according to Fox News FOX5
>Andrews air base close by.
FOX 5DC reporting both A/C were cleared for approach into Reagan
FOX 5 DC reporting
ATC : PAT25 do you have the aircraft insight
Another A/C : Tower did you see that ( referring to explosion)
ATC : Starts redirecting other traffic
FOX 5 DC reported that PAT 25 was cleared to RWY 33 and JIA5342 was Cleared to RWY 01
however it appears to be the opposite.
JIA5342 was cleared to RWY33 and PAT25 to RWY01. JIA5342 was basically on final to RWY33 however PAT25 was still on right base to RWY01. PAT25 needed to continue heading SW to join final for RWY 01. They said the had JIA5342 in sight and request visual separation. ATC gave visual separation.
For whatever reason separation was not maintained.