live feed from Wichita
live feed from Wichita
useless post to stir up unneeded emotion.
no one who cares, someone who just wants to instigate.
people who obviously were not involved through the last 7 years have been trying to say that 'new Q drops' but they can't answer simple questions about Q and seem to know none of the History.
when did Q tell anon that ONLY posts with a trip code were to be considered Q posts and that there were to be no exceptions?
sadly you are incorrect.
no doubt, anon.
the shills always quote things to try and make it all seem distasteful as if the MAGA people are plotting bad things.
same reason they constant post '2 weeks'
why don't you stop being a shill and lying about stuff?
why don't you admit that Q is in hiatus?
why can't you stop shilling constantly as if inane BS posts are Q posts?
We'll get a list of casualties.
perhaps there will be famous people.
that's about all we'll get.
we'll never know for sure if it were a targeted kill or not.
wrong again
"Wichita leaders heading to D.C. to push for money for local projects"
this is an old story, I thought it was within the last week
He knows things we don't know.
bowswer doing a PR bit.
shut up we don't care what you have to say.