dem fucks at the presser are so nervous they were stuttering
*crew not located kek… just guessing
cabal is going bonkers right now
notable and called it.. (not that erryone else here didn't either, except for the glow joggers who work here and planned it and are denying//// ) check the dash cam video that has bene posted here a few times, and no coverage in MSM… direct fucking hit by something at high speed… not an accident
they found Hastings engine block like a quarter mille away, said there was air in the fuel line (at least at one point of the disinfo) and then his wife who initially filed charges clammed right the fuck up just like Seth's parents did…hmmm
concur, said this 15 minutes after it was reported… check this dashcam video, being buried,,, that is an intentional direct hit….
ohhhhh anddddd,
called a whistleblower or politican death, but the faked ded is another interdasting possibility…. that's next level.. also can't wait to see the (potentially forged) passenger list
jiminy, if this is real, ,he's calling out intentional, which it def looked like…
tanks! for adding to the pile on for those of us who know, they are covering this up big time (even on this honeypot site) archive everythinG! one love to the remaining organic anons!