Good morning! I'm just having a black coffee to wash down my breakfast.
I just want to announce to the board and to you personally that you have been filtered.
You guys are making me angry. I'm about to start filtering everybody up in this place.
Silence simple legion and the anon who mocks me. I am so important that the 'feds' 'shills' 'paid posters' 'clowns' routinely attack me. HEY EVERYBODY! Look at important I am. I'll just use the exact wording and language as the left on the left do.
I don't actually have sauce to provide proof that they are clowns, paid posters, shills, feds, or whatever. Just take my word for it.
Nobody would actually come here for thirty minutes a day to mock somebody. That would be crazy!
I am looking here but I am also missing out on what is happening over there.