Excellent job Baker!
Embed or don't post, Telegram is shit and many, myself included can't access it.
I can click it, and it doesn't work because it's f'ing Telegram and unlike others, I've actually bothered to download and attempt to join and it still never works hence why so many people on here sometimes treat Telegram links w/the same disdain as RRN links. It's not the content, it's the dangling of useless sauce. So, I love you anon but you can may now go fuck off.
The board has rules/culture, my statements/comments are aligned appropriately aligned. Also, I'd like to see his 'sauce' but historically, it should be relatively well know, Telegram links are akin to a slide they are so prone to being useless to the majority. Someone grab it, embed it.
Baker tapped out, new baker made a decision to start fresh and by locking it, they assert they indeed have the reigns because people were claiming someone was trying to hijack it.
Sorry, I'm new, I've only been here since before the beginning. I don't bake, but have seen many a "baker" lock a bread and just made the assumption that power came w/the job vs BO/BV being elevated. That and the moment I posted in the previous bread that people would cease the 'hijacking' discussion if the "Baker locked the bread", the bread was immediately locked. Surely, you can see my mental math.
I'm not disagreeing w/you, that's why I put things in quotes, I was just being honest. I agree, bad math, bad outcome, the point is, my apology and no malicious intent.