I guess DK wants to say this is like boarder security names and this is racist…
Watch out it is going to bring the BK but is this different then Americans?
I thought African American are American… anyone think of this and how things are being shown to be like people are racist when it is really the illegal immigration’s they are going after. This where how do you get Americans to support illegal immigration…
Well by saying things are racist and drawing Americans to be emotionally attached to their ethic background maybe trying to have them exploited.
What is in your coffee mug… is it for Americans or is it for illegal imagination… if so how do things happen… must be a vested interest that some country wants to keep this open to. Wonder who maybe wanting it to be like this so they can sell chemicals and other things as bio weapons.
It would be a great way to destabilize America with our going to war would it not. So then point the finger and you got 3 pointing back at you. If your going to try to take over a place how would you go about it with out actually going to war. Well you try to have social uprisings mostly though Department of Education and social welfare programs.
Communist revolutions where did they start… think about it? Can anyone come up with an answer to this? Note the ones not said to be military… how much is this true or did the winners write the history books after? I will give you a clue who has the largest population in the world?
Study history…