Memory holed in 5…4…3…
stop noticing goy! Or else you will go to jail for antisemantic gr8 b8 m8 crime!
It's almost as bad as when you nooooticed that (((Hamas))) was caught using scorpion Evo 3 rifles, literally the same used by iDF special forces!
Now, apologize you filthy nazi!
oh no. I'm calling the reddit avengers now!
I agree! Oh well, now you get deported sorry boo.
I completely understand that and I agree with the premises. Therefore it is indeed a compelling argument fellow anon.
Wait what's that? We need more money? I agree fully. I can see the fact of the matter that this concludes the following: you need to give me and my semantical brothers more money!
Well communicated and have a good day and thank you for supporting us with trillions of dollars!
Good day!
Well it sure doesn't look like nigger fatigue. Which is a good thing.
Shapeshifters can change their race as it fits them. Isn't that obvious by now? Gender, race even age can be changed.
Why do other countries try so hard to subvert the american constitution?
why are mods not removing the flood?
stop flooding or I'm squatting your grannies home, nigger!
I agree bruw, type shit n all you know what I mean?
This is almost as bad as the 51st WhaleWaffen Farticus Brigade
Seems like the satanists have been doing nigger troonification for a long time now. Wouldn't surprise me if a nigger calling himself "Goldberg" was trooned out as well.
Ok but here is the most important question: Did he tongue nigger anuses?
so when is the big boss going to invite the jan6 activists for a peaceful visit for some free burgers?
what are open source homemade 3d printers?
you are a theorist now anon. You shouldn't have deported all those illegals.
why are socialists always social rejects?