Is a foreign agent allowed to be a spy in coffee or the Congress over sight committees?
So then who has the ability in checks and balances to evaluate this and who’s idea is it… is it EDU and their idea to do this?
So then this what I believe I live though every day mob intimidation though exploitation of people they consider children as they placed them in positions they can manipulate…
Isn’t there a song galled “soldier boy?”
So then…
Notice what does it say in this song “you.” A lot is their connections going on.
Destiny is what
Name is the band destiny child?
So then do they pick who they want you to have a kid with as if it is “destiny.” Why is this is this to plant a espionage spy?
So this is climate change… they call it and how they want to plant activist with people so they can try to profit off them…
Why don’t they go after anyone married already this is the idea you have to be married to be protected so on isn’t this against the constitution of individual rights to all and ever citizen?
So then who is educating you…
Who do they seem to be going after a lot pink hats… woman that want equality as a form of gas lighting. I personally taken a college level course in woman in history focusing on feminism. These pink hats are being taught to do this climate change bs as a way to try to force men to be with them in ways so on and what happens if you don’t want to be with some one because they do not have the same moral believes as you do. What if it is just them playing along until they can get a 10 year green card and then also get money from a divorce? Is this a foreign national thing… don’t people or woman get alimony for life after 10 years in California. Funny how a 10 year green card and alimony for life in the state with the largest immigration problems exist just seem to line up.
Anyone want to check in to the political people that pushed this and what seems to be going on with them… so antifa seems to be a lot of pink and black so to speak. So is this the pink rabbit hats.