>The Left supports violence, threats, assassination, gangs, rapes, looting, rioting, lies, and money-laundering.
Now do Israel.
>The Left supports violence, threats, assassination, gangs, rapes, looting, rioting, lies, and money-laundering.
Now do Israel.
Crazy how it's all the Democrat Jews attacking all of Trump's picks.
Kek. Oy vey! Those are all coincidences™, Anon. Don't be spreading anti-Semitisms™. They'll send you to Yeshiva for re-education.
This is how they get their kickbacks. The contracts are signed with companies Reps have monetary interest in, so they overcharge for products and reap the rewards from it. It's why they don't want audits.
Crazy that the Dems got all these talking points on their own? You'd almost think they were prepped, in advance, by someone who did some serious research on Kash. Each one was given different talking points as an attack vector.
Dasting amount of money from AIPAC for a Liberal Democrat.
>gee, you've just figured out how it works, anon
Gee, another Nigger who doesn't understand sarcasm.
Minority? I thought Jews were White? They keep telling people they are. (vidrel)
>kek! you lying sad sack of shit
>as if anything you wrote was sarcastic
We call this projection. Apologies for not putting "/s" or "/sarc" for all you retards in the back. I'll make a concerted effort, from this point forward, to ensure that even the handicap, such as yourself, can understand my poasts.
Oh and it case you miss it…..
>some people weren't on the internet 20 years ago when the protocols for dealing with sarcasm were decided
Same reason I didn't allow Nanna to use it, when she was alive.
Oh, and just in case ree-tard reads this one too…..
You're trying too hard, Moishe. Take the L and move on. It's not my fault you're so Low-IQ that you couldn't interpret sarcasm without a speak and spell.
Honestly, I don't even know how you could read the (OP) andnotdetect sarcasm?
>Why do other countries try so hard to subvert the american constitution?
Shekels, Anon. Who controls the central banking cartel? If they can ruin the average person's life for saying mean, hurty words about a certain sub-group of our species, no one is allowed to criticize, imagine what they could do to a country's government?
Hope the 7.8 million was worth it. (picrel)
Kek. Vatty Faggot is having a fucking meltdown today. I never understood why that ree-tard tags people he knows filtered him.
>Honestly how did she get in the Senate,
Hawaii has been a liberal shithole since Pearl Harbor. If you follow her family, you can dig enough to see that her family went back and forth between Hawaii and Japan before WWII and that her father, quite possibly served in the Imperial Navy,againstthe US. Hirono's family returned to the US and she became a citizen the same year Hawaii was (allegedly - it's in dispute) made a State. Even though her family was apparently incredibly poor, she somehow made it into Georgetown for Law School. She spent a brief time as Lt. Governor (do the dig, it was a gimme job) and as soon as her term was finished, went immediately into the State House, then the US House and finally a the Junior Senator under (((Brian Schatz))) and we don't even need to start on that piece of shit. Hirono was groomed from the get go and it wouldn't be surprising to find out that her family were Japanese assets prior to WWII.
Never play your hand when you don't need to. Let Schiff pull his own rope. He's extremely unpopular now, even within Democrat circles.
>Schiff is scared shitless.
They all are. Even Cornyn and I'm pretty sure that faggot took a deal.
>why is schiff on a committee
He's one of the Chosen Ones™, Anon. If anyone tried, groups like AIPAC would defund them and fund loyalists™ to run against them. That's why Schiff living in Maryland with his entire family, while renting a little efficiency in his district (probably used a his stomping ground as Liddle Adam), got memory-holed. He should have been forced to pull from the Senate race, when it was discovered that the Maryland address is not only his primary, but his Wife's primary, but he wasn't.
Only one reason why…..
>They’re all fucking pathetic.
Chkt. It's fucking disgusting at this point. Especially after watching all these confirmations. Tillis is a RINO piece of shit. Yes, he's supporting Kash, 'cos he's got no choice, but if you pay attention, he's taking digs at the same time. So is Cornyn and Miss Lindsey.
Kash will deliver the truth, not only about JFK and RFK, but 9-11. Israel can't have that.
>need to have someone hold him accountable for his many lies and crimes.
Precisely why they're fighting against Kash so hard. None of these criminals can afford to let him be in charge of the FBI.
>since when don't jews love kash?
They know he'll expose 9-11. When that happens, imagine what all these veterans are going to do, when they find out they were in the sandbox for the last 25 years, based upon lies and terrorism done by our Greatest Ally™? What are families who lost sons and daughters in the sand box gonna do when they find out that it was based upon lies and terrorism done by our Greatest Ally™?
Kek. Shit's about to get fucking real!
Kek. Senator Chalkyresidence is a fucking ree-tard.