Meanwhile, for citizens doing a constitutionally protected activity…
Funny when they're here unlawfully they don't care, but when a citizen performs a constitutionally protected activity they don't like you must obey.
It's because they HATE the law and the constitution when they don't suit their goals. All they care about is their perceived authority and that you obey, the law and constitution only get in the way and "make things difficult".
Notice she said her badge says she can, all she cares about is being above him in her mind.
MANY claim they love liberty, they'll swear up and down they do and will view themselves as defenders of liberty. They hate liberty with a passion though. What they want is a dictator that agrees with them. If they approve or don't mind, everyone should be "free" to do it. If they don't approve, it should be illegal, and even if it's not you're still wrong because they said so.
That's most cops. Government can end this immediately, but they're allowing the cops to fall on purpose, and allowing the people to be abused on purpose.
>It's because they HATE the law and the constitution when they don't suit their goals. All they care about is their perceived authority and that you obey, the law and constitution only get in the way and "make things difficult".
I'm not worried about this first amendment bullshit
Someone used to live at your house before you, so we have the right to criminally trespass
Police Chief Used Different Name To Get Hired After Getting Fired For Stealing Funds and Corruption
>Ditch the cross too, like he wants to see that shit when he shows back up. "hey, jesus, we kept it for you, the cross it took you a day to die on, ya, just thought you'd want it back"
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and prophetshangon these commandments.
The Cross.