what is the message here? Devil May Cry …
i just heard now what patel said about Q anon this morning …
no one has the guts to support Q in public, they all want their ass kissing positions
shame on you patel
you post pics of having drinks or a beer with Q
you belong with flynn and bannon and that group
i feel manipulated now by you, you trying to get me to think you read Q and agreed with what Q was saying
i hope i dont have POTUS or Melania or Barron deny Q in public if ever asked
plus i didnt know patel was working under obama adminstration
i dont want this guy heading the fbi which is already corrupt hes too much a coward to clean up that kind of corruption
he will say what is most popular at the time like he did this morning
they should just eliminate fbi and cia and dia and nsa
why do we have these agencies any ways they only serve the devil