It was a 20-something tall brunette individual who claimed he didn't think it was appropriate at the time to re-route. Q shoved him hard and called him a fqn idiot, per O1 direct observation.
POTUS initial remarks 'Unity'.
14 team members.
14-hr. drive for the 1 who got away safe bc of his Dog.
Unity is on the table right now. Just Unity.
Are we going up to 100% now for the duration.
It takes strength to unite. Backbiting and frustration is easy.
Unity speaks the language of Love. Love is patient. Love is kind. There's no alternative.
What happened about the 4 survivors 60 casualties first reported, it became 64 casualties.
Whatever it takes.
Ok. Seems they always are.
POTUS repeatedly said 'vision'. Remote controlled things don't have anyone actually viewing through the windshield in person tho. The guy Q shoved - regardless of remote controlled helicopter - that guy royally fqd up. And he's in trouble right now.
Some people are better off dead. Biblical.
Loyal to the mission. The opposition.. impossible to prepare against the unity. It will spread WW now (again, biggest).
I believe in Love.
Now is the time for Unity. Love. No alternative. Don't learn the hard wayโฆ.
Mission 15 this Monday will be Future-Past.
It doesn't change anything about POTUS repeated use of "vision" and the postulation of remote controlโฆ If it did, you would have said so. He said 'vision' repeatedly for a reason, and it was specific to the BH each time, for a reason.
What was the first thing Jesus went about doing? Was it flipping tables, or was it gathering disciples from all the walks of life to Himself in unity?
Interesting term when a place like Kansas is in play, Dorothy.
Now is the time for Unity. It was POTUS opening statement for a reason.
Unity is what happens when the truth about this crash comes out. A Valentine's Day where the world understands real love (again, bigger).
No, he means in spirit. Political unity happened on 11-5-24. Now we move in the spirit. It's the only way that works. Justice is coming and nothing can stop that, and it's big. But Unity comes first. Q was clear about this.
POTUS was clear in his statement, "We are ONE FAMILY"โฆ Unity.
Diplomacy isn't about being right, it's about making peace. Concrete steps to reduce the violence in our midst. Spiritual unity occurs when people regardless of all else, are bonded together in loyalty to a common goal of Truth, for example. Everyone will want the truth.. everyone with a shred of conscience.. Love of truth will unite the world, and when shtf.. no worries, because the victory stage will have already been set. Unity is first (again, but bigger).
POTUS said repeatedly towards the end of the campaign and after election, that he established communications during his rallies for the purpose of the administrative actions upcoming with his next 4 years. This was for (anons) and he's telling us exactly what's happening. The opposition is dying for division in this time.. because they're devastated by the unity which brought us (as a country/world) together in 45-47. Unity is strength.
Demand for Truth will unite the world. Starting with this crashโฆ 60/4 14, 14
Every player POTUS has put on the board in the spotlight now is positioned to generate Unity through exposure of Truth (crimes) that touch the lives of all people (country/world), despite previous political affiliations.
You can post like Q did not say UNITE.. but everyone here who is anon knows Q did say UNITE.. Anons are ignoring the division, and that's difficult for the weak in spirit and poor in mind.
When the bad things happen (the very bad things, later) humanity is going to need to already have united. Are you calm enough to be trusted in the storm you yourself are.
You can't be the storm unless you can also be the calm.
Anons love the truth, that's what united us, the core. It will unite the world, last chance is now and POTUS has told us and Q has told us and Anons all realize on a personal and social level at this point.
Here's an example of the spirit of division and confusion. Anyone who's read Q drops once already has seen the sauceโฆ This person(a) is what is dying nowโฆ Division is DYING. Good riddance.