The Blackhawk was running lean with asynchronized cardinal grammeters. The expected failure of modial interaction magneto-reluctance with capacitive diractance precipitated overwhelming flight failure.
Exactly what I just said.
They been doing that in medicine for only a decade. Fucking shortage of normal saline running on 4 months now. It’s salt water. I have the secret recipe too.
9 grams NaCl + 1 liter water. Filter once dissolved.
Cops need illegals for their hookers and blow.
Why tf doesn’t Trump release all the Mara Lago top secret compartmentalized fyeo documents that FIB raided his residence for? Isn’t he king now?
Nice pair.
I loves to go swimmin with piebalded wimens…
Who tf is “we”?
Rogue Korean Hunter-Killer gangs know where you are…