Once you realize that verbal communication with women is impossible life becomes 500% simpler.
So, what will the king of UK do once trump annexes canada? Will he just sit there like a little bitch cuck?
Isn't racial tension something that gives you small hats enough power already? Do you need to subvert the nuclear family too? Enjoy the zyklon filter by he way.
Yeah that is true. I've noticed that even If you listen to her and do what she asks for you will risk committing a grave mistake. Because ultimately; she has no idea what she is saying either! As a matter of fact, she probably respects her own intellectual integrity less than you do in her eternal verbal diarrhea of nauseating solipsism.
Her words sound like the noise of the wind, they can be soothing on the surface, but rarely ever anything more than that if even that. The noise of a car-engine gives more consistent information than the voice of a woman.
"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."
Corinthians 14:34-35
The best way to communicate with them is to just ask them extremely simple questions a ten year old child could answer. "Have you eaten today? Did you sleep? Are you home?". Simple yes/no questions are preferable with women. Otherwise they will get confused and you will risk trigger the solipsism psychosis.
And then, either way, do whatever you judge is right no mater what they said. Ignore everything they said if you have to. This is probably the most likely course in the end, ignoring everything they just said and make a judgement without any input from them, just like you would treat a child or a pet.
>Basically women just want men to be their free therapist.
There is no therapy to women since their words are solipsism. To give someone therapy there needs to be consistency logic and realization. But they are incapable of natural deduction since it ultimately requires the accountability between right and wrong. Whatever you do with them, they will almost always consider you as either:
A) A chad alpha male. This will make them take your seed and then they will reject you.
B) A beta feeder: This will make them marry you and humiliate you while you feed their offspring they had with the alpha. This is why they hate paternity tests. Because they are ultimately cheating with all their beta male "husband" feeders. The beta is in perpetual humiliation, and him "arguing" with her will only increase her repulsion.
This is why its impossible to verbally communicate with her. She will only respond to stress and legal obligation due to fear of the law.
"Above all I thank the gods for giving me an obedient wife" - Marcus Aurelius (Meditations page 1)
"The woman is one step beneath the man" - The holy Quran
"A woman is born in sin, and only childbirth can cleanse her" - Bible
"The Man, then the woman, then the slave, that is the order of mankind" - Aristotle
"The woman is simply a childbearing machine" - Napoleon
"Women cannot reach nirvana." - Buddha
"If you ever meet a woman, bring a whip" - Nietszche
Yet we let these creatures vote on matters of war and peace. Insanity! No wonder europe turned into the trashcan of the world as soon as women started to vote. You might as well let children vote.
The more they talk, the more you should be convinced that whatever is coming out of their mouth isn't even falsehood! Its something even lesser than that because its something beneath falsehood. There is nothing that gives her a false sense of safety more than her own noise that many interpret as "words". No, her words are pure solipsism and it tortures her as well, that she has to pretend being reasonable.
She might tell you that she doesn't want to eat, order food for them anyway! She might tell you everything is ok, yet everything isn't ok. Ultimately, verbal communication with her is absolutely impossible! She will respond to stress and acute threats of law and violence, nothing else.
This is why they are drawn to criminals, because these can quickly generate stress and violence for effective communication. Beyond that, you might as well interpret their words as much the meanings from the movements of flame of the candle. They will flicker and flake and doubt and wait and pretend to contain some silhuette of an image - but in reality there is nothing there. There is nothing but a pathetic pretense of dialogue.
All in all: Verbal communication with women is impossible and it can take you a life time to realize this and everyone will try to stand in the way of this final conclusion.
When you get a husband. Make sure its one worthy of submission and that he sees it loud and clear. This is for both his and your sanity. Do not confuse the chain of command.
maybe if you didn't put a blockade on their entire economy, they wouldn't create separate currencies?
Only japan missing in there, no?