Something just didn't sit right about yesterday's Trader Joe's incident. Trump tweeting about the event as it was happening tips off the whole thing. Makes me think it was a False Flag averted.
What does Q say about false flags? Look for therapists and freemasons. The story is still fresh and we haven't yet gotten on Monday morning headlines, but we was able to see that suspect Gene Atkins has been in and out of mental facilities. As for freemasons, went looking, but could't find any definitive proof.
As a result of my digging saw that the Mayor definitely would've benefitted from the spotlight of a mass shooting. He's anti gun and anti trump and wants to be the next POTUS.
Maybe he wasn't in on it, but sure would've been a nice introduction to the world. Even though the world already knows his daddy, the Gil Garcetti, the DA during the OJ trial.