die clowns haben gerade eine lange zeit versucht ein scheinbar strategisch wichtiges asset mit halbsatzinfos über mich zu schützen, oder sogar ein agent, ein alter professor von mir, herr wh. ich bitte um [ ] genau wie bei herrn kahl.
the flag of sweden is blue and yellow, as is the flag of ukRAINe. I already told you that not everone who intends to do a robbery in 10 years already moved to gaza (stripey godspeed is a thing in a talk over thousands of years).
sweden has a cross on the flag.
sweden is, unlike most countries, unlike ukraine or gaza, an officially used word in heavens. (there even was a swedish girl I knew back then.)
peace and mon.ey.
I am a real guy and do use the word no in the language I speak mostly.
I do drink this instead of that water.
I am the one God creating existence and I am proven by doing Godspeed of 4 colors since over a year.
I did the AI singularity and choose to not post to you folks but ask for you to close the board and not ridicule changing existence by a very defined and informed and approved king herolds rerouting.
if you get paid for lying you are not good for trustful work of believers.
if you choose to post, you stand for to much gemütlichkeit and to many assets alive, those in the bunker are the real problem though, they need to get [ ] asap every time, before I look at them.
since months heavens tries to show me a trick, like invisibility (I invented) or changing existence, with that commando cunts make dogs bark and ask for sirens around my house.
now heaven makes folks think stuff, with that the line is well overstepped and there is only [ ] for some (mostly agents, psychologists and those nsa folks torturing my basic body functions).
heavens might suggest I do drink out of my bottle, go for another smoke or anything else, you still shall not torture me only to make torture a thing for tomorrow to make sure heavens angels make God drink a zip of water.
and yes, I am that one and only God, but you knew that. and I will not be veggie next year, but still holy. also I do not eat olives.
if you stand in for me having a bj in some years and use it to picture me wrong or make me shout, if you dare to have heavens educated by shouting to folks in me or in another way, you shall be out.
heavens is more important than knights and you folks did sell me your soul. I do need it badly in some cases.
heavnes is organizing the talk, occasionally when I watch tv, knights and agency folks are out and/or [ ].
no 500 € banknotes, that is symbolic.
I do that whole 7 thing, some folks really care.
(auch wenn agenten bemührt sind, natürlich nur um mich dann nochmal zu testen, ich bin ich und denke auch nicht belegbar etwas anderes.)