It hit the left wing of the jet, took it right off at impact, it seems.
UFOs are secret HUMAN tech, see video.
yeah, left wing of the plane brakes off. notice the right wind starts rotating right away, clockwise from this pov, and keeps rotating all the way down (bc that wing is still providing lifting power, but the the left wing is gone)
thatยดs from Telsa
>with them.
sure, okay
are you talking about the real space aliens, or the ones NWO made-up ones, that will invade the Earth or something?
Drop the aliens.
Look at this. Just remember: no aliens:
..then look up Grahamn Hancock. He has a netflix show now, Ancient Apocalypse.
>marketing outlet
Any theories about this woman?
I donยดt know anything, just commenting on a comment about 'why this family?'
>read the screencaps before spouting off then and try doing a little digging
were there other whole families on the plane? (then read your own words above)
link the video
look again, the chopper takes the left wing right off.
that voice of the heli-pilot does not sound like a woman/trans.
Was she/he a co-pilot?
>but there may be more from the cockpit voice recordings
ATC voice sounds male (whatever that means in this situation)