No. fuck you and you fucking "substantiation."
It's CLEAR to anyone with fucking brain that Hollywack types are satanic pedos.
They're all fucking going to burn.
Better hope to fuck you're not one of them.
They'll do whatever the wrong, stupid thing is to do.
He's a beloved man.
Democrats are demons.
you are a demented asshole
I'm English and my family has been here since the late 1600s. Settled in Mass, then moved west to Mich. then even farther west.
You spout to much nonsense and catchy phrases. That's why no one takes your ass seriously.
Let's abolish Democrats.
Prove you're not a pedo.
No, I state I'm English.
That's fucking it.
I need to prove nothing to you.
Or anyone.
Back atcha.
You're demented, simple and shallow.
Other than that, you're probably a wonderful jew with pedo proclivities.
I gots it and loves it.
You hate what you imagine me to be yet feel no revulsion for what you actually are.
Then I'll dump it like i did with Netflix.