There he is. His obsession makes filtering easy.
Clown just wants to copy everything I do. Big fuckin' deal. The retard has been doing it for two years and he hasn't accomplished shit other than being a cheap caricature, him and his little clown car crew of Absolute Retards from /Hivemind. Just wants to post SP memes he says yet he wants to copy everything he possibly can about me like some little psychotic toddler that just couldn't handle being mocked anymore. He's nothing but a little shit parasite that is incapable of destroying anyone but himself, the very cancer on the board that he claims he's fighting against, all the while spouting projection and reverse-psychology nonsense to kick the can down the road like a fuckin' imbecile grasping at a handful of sand.
KEK. They're just angry little pixels. Poor little things.
Knew that'd fire the little retard up. He mentioned last year about hating that image specifically.