Figure 1: Mobius Coil (vortex with + energy on both ends, actively driven made of diamagnetic copper and connected to an electrode + at 20 Volts with a - Volts electrode at my feet to give a 40 Volt delta across the body at pulsed rife frequencies of known CCP COVID strains and also with ability to run sweeps. This when combined with a body full of water with colloidal silver and gold and salt and a PEMF H-field bulk removes COVID strains (permanently, not just temporarily) by destroying the actual spikes. For cells that are mutated, due to mRNA vector and DNA splices of other Wuhan laboratory organisms pulsing at the critical resonance DNA frequencies to kill the DNA helps, but also counter mRNA technologies are needed with a genome check to keep our bodies clean and clear. The COVID damages your biofield by contaminating your + head to - feet with random graphene oxide and other paramagnetic and feromagnetic materials then generates plaques from the spikes to plug your blood flow and then result in a local feromagnetic zone that attracts horrid nanotech that is paramagnetic by CCP and others deployed in the world. Welcome to WW3. Saddle up. The dark spots, immediately appeared when the electricity started to flow and is destroying the TX/RX antennas that popped up into my head through skull for data exfil (audio-video-communications nanotechnology) that resides in Vagus Nerve and acts as a biobeacon.