Minimum flaps to maintain lift, slight nose dive to maintain energy, look for a safe landing spot. Look up the 'Gimli Glider' (Air Canada Flight 143) to see just how far you can glide with enough altitude. These crashes are all way too low to recover.
Are you thinking of this, linked to Hillary Clinton?
This? Inertial Guidance sensor?
Feed a QRS-11 rate sensor false altitude and speed data and it's all over. There's also a patent somewhere for remote flying an aircraft via the QRS-11 and a remote link. The intent (sic) was to remotely control a plane that had been hijacked.
Yeah, that.
All roads lead to Hillary Clinton.
Richard C. Walker, Agilent Technologies (Palo Alto, CA) holds monstrous "Internet of Things" Patents that can take down planes with remote instructions to one little QRS-11 sensor in the autopilot system. The global surveillance grid includes embedded chips in planes, devices, equipment and people to remotely send signals and control every element of The Internet of Things network. The QRS-11 quartz rate sensor (the diameter of a quarter; also see for more detail on the uninterruptable autopilot) is embedded in most aircraft autopilots. The intelligence version of the sensor can be turned off remotely and bring down the plane. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, Hillary Clinton's Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas handled the QRS-11 patent family. Her mentor, managing partner J. Joseph Giroiri, was on the board of the assignee of the patents - BEI Technologies, Inc.Hillary Clinton's Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas was the original attorney representing the inventor of the QRS-11 sensor in BEI Electronics/Technologies (US Pat. Nos. 3,974,428; 3,976,997; 4,628,298). This sensor was so critical to national security that the State Department fined Boeing $16 million for illegal exports. After many mergers and company sales, the rights to the QRS-11 went to France for a decade owned by Schneider Electric SA. Schneider sold the rights to a Barclays Bank client in London. The Rose Law Partner who hired Hillary, J. Joseph Giroiri, Walker's system can crash planes remotelyserved on the BEI Technologies board of directors. He also coordinated the Clinton's China and Indonesia banking connections associated with their Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling, money laundering and sex trafficking.
Barclays then sold the company and the QRS-11 patent rights to Sensata, Inc. which is controlled by Mitt Romney's Goldman Sachs-aligned Bain Capital in Boston. Tellingly, dozens of former Clinton staff have died in mysterious airplane and vehicle crashes. Also telling, the late FBI Superstar Ted Gunderson, said in 2005 that Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVay had a bio chip surgically installed in him by Dr. Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West who led the rogue C.I.A.'s MKUltra mind control program. Conveniently for Bill and Hillary, the Oklahoma City bombing destroyed the records of the FBI investigation on Janet Reno's WACO criminality. The bombing also killed former Clinton chief of security Alan G. Whicher. Four other Clinton's bodyguards (C. LeBleu/T., T. McKeaham,, R. Williams,, S. Willis) were shot in the head by a helicopter sniper at the illegal military siege of the Branch Davidian property in Waco, Texas (1993). Some call these deaths "Arkancide" since most everyone associated with the Clintons in Arkansas, except Larry Nichols, have died. Nichols produced The Clinton Chronicles (1994) to expose the Clinton devilish corruption. Despite ill health, Larry carries on the struggle to bring the Clintons to justice.
Something just occurred to me. The CRJ crashed near Ronald Reagan Airport. The Mexican Medevac flight crashed at Roosevelt Mall.
Possible comms, warning Trump off?
I missed the Eisenhower reference, thanks. It's 100% comms from the cabal.
Notice that no planes have Arkancided themselves at Little Rockโฆ yet.
Wizards and Warlocks