>>22484640. PB
Didn’t post this but searched for it & likely source included here
September 13, 2023, was historic in Strasbourg, France, at the European Parliament with a special session chaired by German MEP Christine Anderson. A multinational team of lawyers, doctors, and concerned citizens leveled serious allegations to the legislative body about the World Health Organization, the EU’s pandemic response, and what the union should do now as time is ticking off on the WHO’s future plans to have dominion over all plants, animals, and humans bound by international law.
Content info includes
Dr. David E. Martin
Dr. Martin is the Founder and Chairman of M-CAM International and is a Batten Fellow of the University of Virginia. His work on biological warfare includes publications and academic appointments in medicine, law, and economics. Dr. Martin presented a compelling case for criminal intent of the WHO and its co-conspirators in a global takeover of health as a means for world domination by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.
While these presentations sound like they came out of a sci-fi thriller, they really represent a modern-day reality as the WHO continues its well-conceived plans for a death grip of power over the world. Thanks to MEP Anderson and the experts, the EU Parliament has been put on notice. Be sure to catch all the updates on the Courageous Discourse Substack.
Anon will have to dig further to search for this clip but it is legitimate.