Anonymous ID: 3b5be9 Feb. 1, 2025, 11:53 a.m. No.22486281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6425 >>6439 >>6647

The Blackhawk was most likely one of two things: (1) an act of war by a foreign power, or (2) an act of subversion by a domestic power. Very very low chance it was an accident.


In either scenario, the means were likely one of two things: (A) hack of the Blackhawk's systems, or (B) hack of the human pilot.


Most likely scenario is the Blackhawk's systems were hacked. Message sent, but by whom.


Reminds me of when mike morrell on charlie rose and said we needed to start sending a message to Putin, such as killing his limo driver. shortly afterward, his limo was in a head on accident, veering into head on traffic, killing his limo driver. clear case where we hacked his limo.


Any time our planes or ships do funky things, I immediately think it was a remote hack. Russia and China likely have the ability to do this to our entire air force and navy. Remember all those ships running aground?


Since it was a COG mission, allegedly, my bet is that the C_A, in coordination with EU (MI5?) was sending a message to POTUS not to pull out of Ukraine.


carry on