All bowing low to their biggest donor and best armed crony.
Their check cleared, Nancy says let them in.
Dust off your resumes, pussies.
If (((C_A))) shot down 2 planes and helicopter over America and told TRUMP ISIS did it, do you believe TRUMP would take the bait?
They are all connected to Porochenko, Soros and the UN.
They want it all
They will all die when all the doctors quit. Learn to take care of yourself. It isn't hard to do better than big pharma groomed quacks.
Israel has never paid back a single "loan".
"Ordo ab cash" Blair
Reverse Colonialism by Tony Blair & the Lords
The need for your work will remain because this crook can't even change a light bulb.
Thanks, but I prefer watching you live in moldy hovels without plumbing and electricity and taking public transit with schizos.
"Could mean"
If only AP did some research before making obviously incendiary, fake claims, the (((MSMs))) "could" recover.