Large solar plant in Mojave Desert appears headed for closure 11 years after opening
According to ABC News, the plant has been struggling to stay competitive against cheaper solar technologies on the market.
A massive solar plant in the Mojave Desert appears headed for closure 11 years after its opening.
According to ABC News, the plant has been struggling to stay competitive against cheaper solar technologies on the market such as photovoltaic solar.
Earlier this month, Pacific Gas & Electric said it is ending its contract with the Ivanpah solar power plant, which launched in 2014 using concentrated solar.
"It was among the first such projects in the United States to provide electricity to utility customers. PG&E contracted in 2009 for output from units 1 and 3. The current contract capacity is approximately 250 megawatts," PG&E said. "The plant began generating electricity in 2014. The agreements were scheduled to run through 2039."
Russia strikes Ukraine’s gas infrastructure – MOD
The targeted facilities supported Kiev’s defense industrial complex, the Defense Ministry has said
Seems it anon and
lets see them use their meter's, on their own houses, if there that easy to comp and other tings…
Invisible fast movers
Reshoring US Gold "has nothing to do with Trump tariffs"
VBL's Photo
by VBL
Saturday, Feb 01, 2025 - 14:32
ZH: Reshoring US Gold "has nothing to do with Trump tariffs"
“[M]uch of the formerly freely available gold is now underground in New York…and it has nothing to do with Trump tariffs.” -ZH
“In Supply-Chain terms, Repatriation means re-shoring key assets to better secure a nation’s welfare, like Gold and Silver” - GF
1- Gold and Silver are Moving—And It’s Not Just Tariffs
Authored by GoldFix, ZH Edit
Gold and silver are being pulled into New York for reasons beyond tariffs. A new pipeline is now draining metal from the LBMA, just as another had already been pulling gold and silver toward China from the LBMA for years.Recently we labelled this phenomenon as repatriation.
Yesterday, ZeroHedge published a premium post on that issue.
They openly questioned why gold is moving to COMEX, concluding that tariffs alone don’t explain it. Their report also pointedly highlighted contradictions from establishment officials managing the narrative.
2- Contradictions in the Official Story
The ZH post starts by questioning the official story out of London
The Financial Times (FT), usually indifferent to gold flows, made an exception this time. Their official explanation? Logistics. Too much gold moving too fast. Yet the same sources on their article also cite liquidity issues, a lack of free-floating gold, and the need to borrow from central banks.
Which is it? A temporary logistical issue or a shortage of metal?
Consider this contradiction from the same FT article as noted by ZH:
“The movement of gold needed to make its way into New York, that is basically what has been driving ‘stockpiling’,” said Joe Cavatoni, market strategist at the World Gold Council. “That is leading a lot of people to say, ‘we want to get ahead of it’, and that is driving the futures market into a premium.”
At the same time, the WGC official claimed:
“We are not getting a sense from the rhetoric from the administration that it intends to go after the monetary metals.”
If tariffs aren’t the issue, what’s the rush?
ez, holy copy paste :P
only to genders