I hope my FBI agent still calls me from time to time after she gets fired.
Will miss her.
I hope my FBI agent still calls me from time to time after she gets fired.
Will miss her.
Who has the pic of the WH aide at the podium?
Anon likes the Digging Earth Initiative, where unemployed bureaucrats can be taught to use shovels.
>lobach family statement
She was asexual assault victim advocate
Anons know what that means.
WTF did you just say to me, you little bitch?
> She looks to be a lezbeian
She was a sexual assault victim advocate, which is a good indicator she was molested.
If her socials were full of that, it would look terrible for the family.
>450 hrs is about 1/3 of the average that gets a commercial job, last time anon looked.
Anon members a pilot needing 2000+ hours to move from regional jets to the big birds.
Trudeau is supposed to adress tariffs at 9ET.
Have you ever tried to warn a woman about her driving, anon?