Hey anons. Was reading notables for past breads and couldnt find any mention of the lost Q posts from the other night. Any news on that? I did notice that Brennen's tweets were deleted though. Anybody find it spoopy that there were exactly 45 tweets?
If you try to go to the original thread there are a bunch that are gone. There were anons trying to figure it out but I cant remember exactly when and can't find it.
Kinda wondering that myself. did POTUS arrange it? My first thought was that it was in retaliation for the deleted Q posts. But that is just a gut thing.
Please tell me that all of this is getting archived somewhere else so something like this cant happen and we lose breads? I download the html Archive from germananon but I have not looked at it yet. Took hours last night.
This is what started my search. I had some posts archived here on my computer but wanted to go back to the bread. I figured it had slid so I wanted to know where to find it. That is when I realized the bread was gone.
Exactly anon. It is not always enough to have just the post. Is very helpful to have the whole bread giving context.