>>2248878 (lb)
yeah… we need to get to the bottom of this.
BV said that but what about BO or CM…?
never seen a good BV lash out against logic.
very weird indeed.
can you please copy paste the links from this Working page, into the top of breads, with a note about the 404 for the 7/4 drop, so all are aware ?
Q's july 4th post disappearing when ALL OTHERS are still active is important.
Not letting anon know, AND not even copying it to the top of breads is fucked up.
now there IS something going on.
i have faith in BO and CM, just like all good anons do.
but not even addressing it at the top of the fucking bread like a normal anon would do, is a red flag and everyone knows it.
No one has added any updates regarding the lost post, unfortunately. I've asked for it to be on top of bread, so all are aware.
45 tweets by Brennen = targetting 45/POTUS ?
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
can we get a global notable letting anons know we are aware of the issues with deleted bread?
Can we also add in the still-functioning links to the other Q posts, such as the previous breads have always had?
From what i've gathered:
Q's last post on 7/4/18 was deleted. We do not know who deleted it or why it was deleted.
then what happened to it?
it sure as hell isn't archived after 18 days
when drops from over a month ago are still active.
so explain pls?
i think the point here, is to make all aware, with an announcement at top of bread, that BO/CM is aware of unusually deleted breads, including the 7/4/18 Qdrop bread, and to keep all updated on it.
everyone (should) have multiple resources to see the drop, which is not the relevant issue.
the relevant matter is to alert all anons to this issue, at top of breads, until it is remedied.
Can we please go back to putting the Q posts list at the top of the breads? Like in the pic?
With a notice next to the 7/4 link, explaining it's a 404, etc.?
Does that explain why there are NO links AT ALL at the top of breads now? That ain't logical at all.
Links from june are still active.
look at the top of the bread anon, there are NO Q links there where they should be.
that doesn't make sense.
one got deleted (or magically archived way, way before its time) —- so now we just don't post ANY of them?
highly illogical, and not helpful, and a huge time thief for all anons coming into the bread to catch up, as there's not a notice about it.
All of them? really? that's not even possible, because older breads are still active.
see, the older breads will fall off first.
newer ones don't fall of before olds.
does not even enter into the discussion.
older breads are still active… from over a month ago… newer breads should be following suit.
but we have a new bread that is gone… not archived… gone…
see how that doesn't make sense?
it was full, anon. and it was a general research bread as well.
no, something fucked up happened and if there was initial transparency, it wouldn't even be an issue by now.
we're asking for common sense transparency, that's all.
pretty sure that's a bot, don't talk to it
exactly. transparency and accountability are key.
i found several broken links and empty pages on other linked resources at top of breads, earlier this week. i'm not even bringing those up until this other problem is handled.
here, https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2029070.html#2029255
that's the link from the 7/4 drop
now, it isn't archived, because it's way too early in its lifespan to be archived. how do we know that? because drops/breads from over a month ago are still active, not archived.
it's a bot, don't talk to it anon.
shills are going so hard at us, at this board, at potus, at Q right now.
why? because Q is about to be a fucking household word and they cannot stop it.
let's get this bread fuckery fixed so we can move on please BAKERS <3
mod team? all we have are bakers, vols, bo and cm, aside from anon.
we know something deleted it, that is painfully obvious. we need a statement from bo and/or cm, at the top of the bread
ffs, can common sense logic please prevail here.
>BV has a team to distract from topic with him similar to the one in this thread. Like I said, he exposed my IP this morning when I asked him about it
you mean… BV posted it to this board… your IP?
flash drives are easier than hard drives.
just a thought, anons.
i read that.
atm what we need is for the fucking top of the breads to be put back the way they have historically been, with a notice about the missing bread from 7/4.
not about archiving. we all got our archives, anon.
it's about fixing the bread.
not putting some old shit at the top INSTEAD.
and about letting anon know wtf is going on instead of NOT MENTIONING it and letting the begging for basic common sense, have to permeate every bread until then because hey, guess what……?
no notice about it = shit tonnes of anons asking about in breads = more older breads slide off faster.
no ask yourself, who that would benefit.
i wasn't even here yesterday. i just got back in today. and i'm shocked that it's taken this much begging from multiple anons to get something so fucking basic fixed. we need a note at top of bread, and we need the regular q links. we need standard protocol, which all bakers are bound to follow. they cannot just do whatever willy nilly feels good. this is an issue and will remain one until it's properly handled.
you can judge or whatever, but that's going to be on you.