Real SP
Who are you calling a famefag, you sniveling ratfuck failfag mimic muhjoo angry inch chucklefuck? You're just here to steal my memes because I am SP and I am the best Anon and always in first place and so much better than you and everyone else. Look at me, I'm the best, I'm SP. That makes you in second place.
No you seek help you little sniveling ratfuck failfag mimic muhjoo chucklefuck. You just want to steal my memes because I'm in first place and you're in second place. I'm the best. Look at me, I'm SP. Now get in the filter, and go cry some Ethnic Accusations like you always do because you hate the jews so much
Now that's a grifter
Anons winning
All day every day
Don't worry
Everything is getting deleted tonight
Bakers aren't corrupt
Only the shills are corrupt
Trump and Q don't give a shit about Canada
Now send moar money to Israel and trust the plan