Cartels'll bus roll their Leo and Pol stooges today prolly
Having tea with friends?
Or is that a "Book Club" meeting?
Tsk, tsk, tsk…….
Hell awaits those who perverted the minds, bodies and souls of God's children.
Piles of Pedophilic Travelers,
the pyres light the sky
with their render most foul,
"To tell you the truth it is a farm'
"Guy offered me $8000 to help them get a young girl, he has a dungeon in his basement.
12 yrs ago, haven't ever quit destroying the ENTIRE witch/traveler see what happens
Take a 5 minute ride
Fuckin with shills is fun, fuckin with IRL DeepTrash piece of shit faggot cowards much more fun.
Retarded squid
How was lunch Clown?
MKed Cartel hitman?
Out crazy the crazy, harvest Intel, talk it into killing itself.
Guns are for girls is some battlefields
…..finding out