You're not even a tickle, ya fuckin' muppet. Now IP hop and spam like a schizophrenic bitch. Do it, clown.
I'll just let that one simmer for a bit.
Not really. A horse would have an easier time in some parts than a vehicle would.
Keep up? Motherfucker, I'm lapping you. You claim to know what she thinks, huh? What part of a 9 second clip did you get "she thinks she looks hot on a horse" from?
This is nothing. You should have seen the lag in 2021 just before the shills became cock drunk with their spam which then led to Proto being implemented.
Or no wait, it was 2022, not 2021. 2021 was when the Absolute Retard MuhJoo clowns had the banhammer.
Look at all the little Noem haters. "She thinks she looks hot on a horse." "More botoxd and hair." TOP FUCKING KEK! Smells like laid off and ugly DEI fatties that ate more sandwiches than they've made.
I still have the apk for that timed password thing. The proto Proto.
Gotta be meaner than evil, anon. It makes them envious, bitter, and weepy. o7
Quiet, little impostor. Go run your malicious imitation routine in the filter. You're just not good enough to destroy me, Simple Legion. Better luck next time. There is always next time, right? Alinsky said all you need to do is just keep the pressure on and your lies with become truths in the eyes of those you're trying to fool. Pathetic little sack of clown shit.