He's telling Germans to wake up and stop with the 50 year Jewish induced apology tour.
>you bitchez owe me more money
>pay up mother fuckers, 102 billion
>my palatial estates are not going to build themselves, bitchez
The Ukrainian midget 'entertainer' will be RICO Zelenskyy once the financial audit is complete.
>"I don't know where all this money is."
The money started flowing to the midget in 2021 but waited till now to cry wolf?
These two are supposed to be the same person. My eyes say no.
All this while Mexico and Canada's economies are on shaky ground. I bet both The Idiot King and Jewican Queen have Trump on speed dial.
>Firing the senior leadership, scores of senior agents and hundreds of line agents will make us less safe from criminals and external threats. This is a catastrophe of yet incalculable proportions. These attacks on law enforcement are reprehensible and a menace to the American people.
Just say white farmers. Keep up you're street cred.
Bring the white farmers to America and give them some land to start new.
Thanks for the late breaking Christmas Eve news.
[They] all give themselves away eventfully.
>The people elected Donald Trump to be President - not Elon Musk.
Just think of the operation as POTUS Donald Trump "raiding classified information". That may help lower that boiling Latina blood pressure. BTW - What's your net worth up to now?
They live in a self imposed prison already. Keep them all over there we have enough problems to fix.
Good to know. You take care of it then.
I voted for tariffs and eliminating taxes. Any company or business collapsing due to tariffs and deportations is a self inflicted wound and not to be mourned.